these 2 word made me afraid, can't sleep well, keep thinking stupid thing, unhappy.

this few week made unhappy
final is coming

this semester i feel a bit scare because i am taking 5 subjects. HR,HO,LAW,MARKETING, EVENT.
HR = i need to study hard cause in my course work i didn't get high mark
same as my HR, HO also i have a bit problem in my course work AAAAAAAAAAAAA

event and marketing maybe i can handle it, cause i like marketing so, it should be ok for me

how about law !!!!!!!!!!!!!
actually law can make me die directly
i hate law.......
any thing that related to law , I HATE IT FOREVER
the tips that lecture gave also can kill me......

more tips more knife o kill my mind, i need to remember a lot of thing...........

i need support and i need to something that can relax my mind 1st before study for these subject.
sureeeeee i am not confident to pass all these subject well.......

ohhhhh god what should i do
i know you guys will say "go study and don't play too much'
i know that but these few subject need to memories the definition and so on.....

my mind doesn't enough liau to keep this all thing.

i really wanna go crazy don't what i have to do
oh god please lead to your way, teach me how to study well in my final.....

if i can wish something from your help jesus
i would like to say ' i don't want to fail i want to pass all"

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